Jodi Bryant

Director of Reconciliation Resources in Saskatoon, SK

“Reconciliation Resources reconciles people to God, to others, and within our own soul.

Years ago, I was serving in my credentialling, as a spiritual care intern at Elim in areas of healing ministry, grief, and divorce. Over the years, our grief recovery groups kept expanding. This past year, our growing team offered 11 programs in multiple locations within Saskatoon and surrounding areas. Our divorce recovery groups are consistently offered, and we are seeing more team members join in and become facilitators.

Over the past five years we continued to research through interviews and insights what is needed in our church/community and where people would invest their time and energy and funds. Through these findings we plan to add these programs in the near future: Blended & Blessed (launching this fall), Affair Recovery (presently fundraising, preparing, and training), and Live Free (presently fundraising, preparing, and training).

Some of our recent projects include: COVID Friendly Backpacks (250 bags) with the Love Lives Here Bus Evangelistic Project, Rainbow Housing School Supply Service Evangelistic Project, The Women Empowered Show and Exhibition (Panel representation, 20 volunteers, prayer room), Fun Finding Fossils at our Dino Dig Evangelistic Outreach (40 represented), and Fruitful Vine Productions: Mental Health Topics and Education.

We have noticed another layer in our ministry is to reconcile people to the truth of Jesus Christ and true Christianity and helping to repair trauma and damage from false teachings. God has showed us over and over how HE has brought His “mission” to us. It has been amazing to be in our own city and see “behind the scenes” of the hurting, lost, vulnerable, and broken right in the four walls of the churches and the surrounding community where we live.

The Lord brings the volunteers who hunger to serve and see their gifts in action. Volunteers have continued to mention they had no idea what opportunities were right here. We show people the path to their passion and purpose. Please consider donating. We are dreaming big and need you to join us!”

— Rev. Jodi Bryant, Founder/Director of Reconciliation Resources