WEEK 1 - MISSION SERIES | Embrace All People

Elim’s mission includes 4 actions: Embrace all people, Experience God’s fullness, Equip God’s people, and Engage our world. Over the next weeks, Pastor Marvin will unpack each of these 4 actions. This weekend we look at what it means for us as a church to “Embrace all People".

Reflection Questions

  1. God embraces all people in Jesus (Romans 10:12-13). Does your heart reflect God’s heart for all people? Does your life?

  2. “For the church of Jesus, it’s not that the differences don’t exist – they do.  It’s that the differences are not allowed to become points of division.” What are some differences today that threaten to create division?

  3. Is God moving you to embrace the old, the young, men, women, those from a different culture, those outside the church? Who in particular can you embrace  by celebrating difference, intentional friendship, and learning?


When a person comes to faith in Christ it’s not a destination—it’s the onramp to a lifelong journey of becoming more like Jesus. We continually are being filled up with God. This weekend in our second message in the series “This is Elim,” Pastor Marvin unpacks the difference it makes when we experience God’s fullness.

Reflection Questions

  1. Read Ephesians 3:16-17. How does Christ residing in my heart, my “inner person,” transform, by his Spirit, how I respond to everything around me?

  2. Have you experienced “being filled to the measure of the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19)? Are you aware of areas of your life that still need to be yielded to God’s loving, governing presence?

  3. Read 2 Corinthians 4:7. “It’s amazing that God would fill this jar of clay with the treasure of Himself, but He does.” What thoughts or feelings towards God does that evoke? How can you express them to him?


This weekend, we’re in week 3 of our “This is Elim” series, and we’ll be diving into what it means to “Equip God’s people.” Part of our mission is to empower our community and to release people to serve. Pastor Marvin will take us through what this means and how it happens.

Reflection Questions

  1. Read Mark 10:42-45. What does or could following Jesus’ example of service look like in your own life?

  2. What are the “good works” God has “prepared in advance” for you to do (Ephesians 2:10)? What are you good at? What are you passionate about? What do people affirm about you?

  3. Do you feel fully equipped to use your gifts? Who in our church community could you reach out to, who could help you grow in them?


This weekend we finish our “This is Elim” series by looking at our mission to “Engage our World.” Dr. Dannie Foster is a leading expert in the area of linguistics. His message will expose us to the world of linguistics and how bringing God’s Word in someone’s “heart language” is transforming communities. Dannie served with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Kenya and currently is the President of Canadian Institute of Linguistics.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Read Philippians 1:3-8. Why does Paul pray “with joy” for the believers at Philippi?

  2. “When I know that I am God’s, I can experience joy regardless of my circumstances.” Can you relate to this?

  3. Read Philippians 1:9-11. How can you make this your own prayer for your life and for the church?