Simply put, we are a diverse group of people who love Jesus. The word “Elim” refers to a place of refreshing in the Bible; an oasis in the middle of the desert where travellers would stop with their caravans and find shade and enjoy rest. We hope that when you join us you find that.
We exist to be a life-giving community taking steps on the journey to be more like Jesus.
Encounter Jesus
Experience Freedom
Embrace Purpose
Engage our World
Elim is a part of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, and as a result subscribes to the Fundamental and Essential Truths put forth by the PAOC.
We believe that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God, fully complete and without error. We believe that the Bible contains all that is necessary to lead people to a knowledge of salvation and to live a righteous life. We believe it to be the ultimate authority in all matters of faith and Christian living.
We believe that Jesus is the divine Son of God, the only sacrifice for our sin, and our guarantee of God’s never-changing love for us. We believe that He died, rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God. We believe that one day He will return to the earth to receive all those who have believed in Him.
We believe that people are eternal beings and will spend the rest of eternity after their life on earth either with God in eternal happiness (heaven) or without God in eternal sorrow (hell). We believe that through faith in Jesus, we are granted an eternity with God in heaven.
We believe that God, the Father, still speaks to His children today through His Holy Spirit. We believe that the Holy Spirit will always agree with God’s Word, and teach us to live according to it. We believe that the Holy Spirit gives us strength to share the love of Jesus Christ with others and that all who are willing are able to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the church is not a building or a denomination, but rather the believers themselves who make up the church. We believe that all Bible believing churches are part of God’s family and that we ought to share in ministry and fellowship with each other as the Spirit of God leads.
View our most recent Annual Report here.
Elim Church Saskatoon began in early 1917 in, interestingly, an Anglican rectory. James Eustace Purdie (1880-1977), the rector of St. James – now Emmanuel – Anglican Church on Dufferin Ave, began preaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit experienced by Jesus’ first followers on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) and holding prayer meetings to receive it. These meetings were attended by Christians from many churches who were hungry to experience the fullness of God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Storefront Church - 634 20th St W
Storefront Church (Interior)
In addition to the services led by Purdie, this small group of Christians began to hold prayer meetings in their homes, including the home of Elim’s first pastor, Orville R. Hetherington (1917-1921). As they received the outpouring of the Spirit, their numbers grew and they moved into a simple storefront church at 634 20th St W (now a parking lot) with stark wooden pews, calling themselves Pentecostal Assembly of God. What is now Elim Church Saskatoon had taken shape.
Two years later, in 1919, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) was formed to create a fellowship of like-minded believers across the country. In the very first issue of the PAOC’s Pentecostal Testimony (1920), Elim’s first pastor is listed in the directory.
The congregation rotated through many rented venues in the early years, but under Thomas Bunting, pastor from 1924 to 1928, the church constructed its first purpose-built structure on 25th St and Idylwyld Ave in 1927. Here it took the name Elim Tabernacle, after the oasis Israel encountered on their journey to freedom (Exodus 15:27).
This was also the year that Elim started its long history of outreach to the community through the media. Though the first radio broadcast had begun in Saskatoon only two years before, in 1927 Elim began its radio program “The Wonderful Word” that shared the good news of Jesus to the city and beyond for forty years.
Bethel Bible Institute began in 1935 in Star City, Saskatchewan as a Bible College for training pastors in the PAOC. It always had a close relationship with Elim, especially after its relocation to Saskatoon, four blocks from the church, two years later. James Eustace Purdie would be influential on the curriculum taught at Bethel and other PAOC Bible Colleges. The school is now called Horizon College & Seminary and continues to train many of Elim’s young pastors for life and ministry.
In 1947, the Bible College and Elim encountered a serious challenge as the Latter Rain movement, based in North Battleford, attempted to pull both out of the PAOC, saying the movement was spiritually dead. Pastor Don A. Emmons oversaw a contentious Annual General Meeting that year in which the church’s official members voted to stay with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
After this, Elim recovered and, under Pastor Howard Honsinger (1957-1966) built their third building adjacent to the old one in 1960. In 1967, Pastor Michael Horban (1966-1982) moved onto new media, beginning the TV program The Wonderful Life with music and sharing the good news of Jesus. He oversaw the move to 8th St and Moss Ave in Elim’s fourth building in 1976, selling the previous church to what is still the Chinese Alliance (108 25th St W).
25th and Idylwyld Ave
Elim Tabernacle Choir
Third Building - 1960
8th Street Location
Elim Lodge
Hyde Park View
Horban also began the church’s development of seniors housing with Elim Lodge on Moss Ave, constructed in three phases (1981-1994). Elim Lodge Inc. is an independent corporation providing safe, affordable housing facilities for seniors in a Christian environment. It also operates the newer Hyde Park View (2017).
In 1990, Marvin Wojda joined the staff of Elim and in February 1992 became its lead pastor. He was, by far, the longest serving pastor in Elim’s history. Under Pastor Marvin, the church renamed from Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle to, more simply, Elim Church Saskatoon. It also grew significantly and relocated to its fifth and current facility on Slimmon Road (2012). On June 13, 2022 the Slimmon Road building flooded, leading to a year of Elim meeting in other venues throughout the city.
In the 1990s, Elim’s media ministry focus shifted to large Christmas productions under Music Pastor Blaine Eagle, often incorporating members of the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra. Thousands attended several nights of productions each year, leading up the 25th performance “Finale” in 2022 at TCU Place.
In more modern history, Elim Church is invested in reaching people with the good news of Jesus – now incorporating online platforms like Youtube, Facebook and Instagram.
In January 2024, Lukas Bonnett joined the staff of Elim and became its current lead pastor. In line with its history, Elim continues to be a Pentecostal church desiring to experience God’s fullness by his Holy Spirit as we strive to be a life-giving community, taking steps on the journey to be more like Jesus.
Our building spans 70,000 square feet of ministry space that is used for a wide variety of events. Aside from in-house functions like services and mid-week events, Elim plays host to major conferences, concerts, weddings, organized sports, and much more.