1. Pray | 2. Connect | 3. Give

Each month, Elim features one of our Partners in Mission that we support.
Want to know who you can be praying for each month?
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When I, Cam, was around 10 or 11 I felt God calling me to an intercultural focus in life. I remember that night vividly. It was a very clear call. Not an audible voice but a clear thought that was definitely from God. I thought that meant I would one day move to another country, but God had other plans. I even tried to move internationally, but nothing worked out. Instead God started me off with serving international high school students while I was in college.
And so it is that Bible translation plays one part in what God is doing in the world. It is one part of His great mission. In this way all people will be able to know God and hear from Him, through His Word, in their own language. We, Justin and Tammy Hettinga, missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators, love being a part of this mission by providing leadership and administrative support to this work throughout the Americas.
I'm Rodney, and along with my family, we are your global workers here in Tallinn, Estonia. I'd like to give you a brief update on what is happening in the Bible school, along with our regular programs of evening school and deacon school.
This year, we are putting an emphasis on the development of pastors. This is for people who are looking to transition into pastoral ministry, or who are new to pastoral ministry, or maybe potential church planters. We're calling this pastors fellowship.
One of our students who's joined pastor's fellowship is a graduate from the daily Bible school from a couple of years ago. Him and his family had been feeling the call of God to plant a church
"My name is Kaitlyn Cey and I'm the director of Inspire Our Nation. We continue to be so grateful for your ongoing support. It's been an exciting season at Inspire with the youth in our 10-month Leadership Program growing alongside their mentors. We're seeing God move in astounding ways. There are 30 students in the program and each student has their own mentor. Together, the youth are taking leadership roles to plan the Inspire conference that will happen in March 2023.
At our last session, when the youth had an opportunity to share their stories, one young woman who had given her life to Jesus at the Inspire summer camp wrote her story about how God has been speaking to her through visions and teaching her to pray.
Over the past 11 years that we have co-led the ministry in Mexico (alongside our Mexican Pastors) to vulnerable single mothers, their children, and their youth. We have seen the Lord miraculously restore lives, revive dreams, and bring hope to the hopeless. We currently have over 100 children and almost 30 youth, and over 50 single mothers that are a part of Casa de Luz families.
One of the highlights this past year has been the opening of Casa de Luz’s two small businesses, K47 Café and Buen Taco Restaurant,…
Hi everyone, it's Alexey and Tonia, and we're now coming at you from Antalya, Turkey. We came here in April from Russia and have been here ever since.
We want to thank you for everything you're doing to help the ministry here in Turkey. As you may know, we work with orphans, and your donations and your prayers are a huge blessing. We were able to purchase tablets for online schooling, sporting equipment, medicine, and other stuff for these kids.
Drop-In was strong throughout the summer months with a slight decline so far this fall. We have been able to build some strong relationships with the students. We were surprised one night as two students had a lemonade stand this summer and gave Drop-In $50.
The need continues for care packages for families of our Drop-In students. Relationships continue to be strong with families and we are so thankful for the opportunity to bring HOPE to needy families.
God has showed us over and over how HE has brought His “mission” to us. It has been amazing to be in our own city and see “behind the scenes” of the hurting, lost, vulnerable, and broken right in the four walls of the churches and the surrounding community where we live.
OneBook works with minority language groups in Africa and Asia and brings to them Bible translation, literacy, and community development. All of our projects are rooted in the belief that local people in their own country, among their own people, are best suited to carry out translation and literacy work in their communities.
In 2021, we saw 10 Bible dedications. So far we have done 50 Bible dedications since our inception 13 years ago. About 5 years ago, we took a group of people from Calgary to one of the Bible dedications in South Asia…
We are thrilled to be partnering with Alex and Janice Sasakamoose at Ahtahkakoop First Nation to support the incredible work God is doing there!
Thank you Elim for Supporting Enrich Life Church on the University of Regina Campus. We are so happy and excited to be partnered together in ministry. Our church has been meeting on Saturday evenings in The Lazy Owl Restaurant and Pub on the University of Regina Campus since April 20th, 2024. The restaurant and pub is closed on Saturdays so we rent out the space and turn it into a church every weekend.