BLOG | What is Water Baptism?

BLOG | What is Water Baptism?

After beginning your Journey with Jesus, the next step is baptism in water. The word “baptism” comes from the Greek language spoken by the early Christians and refers to a washing by immersion in water. This ritual has its origin in the various washings of people and things undertaken by faithful Jews before the coming of Jesus. Read the blog to find out why it has a different significance with Jesus.

Solid: Canonicity

Solid: Canonicity

How did we end up with the books that make up the Old and New Testament? How was that decided? Canon is the Greek word for a rod or a straight piece of rounded wood that was used for measuring. It is a standard measurement. It’s the instrument that provides authoritative, agreed upon measurement. The Apostle Paul uses the word “canon” in Galatians 6:16. He says, “Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule” (this canon).

A Community on the Journey to be More Like Jesus

A Community on the Journey to be More Like Jesus

To be a disciple means to be a “learner,” or a “student.” To be a disciple is not, by definition, to have achieved something, but to be on the way—on the journey—towards learning something. As Jesus’ disciples, we are on the long road of learning how to live into his life and how to live out his salvation.

Hebrews 12: Discipline

Hebrews 12: Discipline

If your idea of a life of faith is less problems, less challenges, God answering every prayer in the way and time you want, this passage is going to make you uncomfortable. How do you cope when life is difficult? How do you process the reality of suffering? How do you make sense of life when things come at you that seem to make no sense or have no purpose?