Bible Translation, Literacy and Community Development
Africa and Asia
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OneBook works with minority language groups in Africa and Asia and brings to them Bible translation, literacy, and community development. All of our projects are rooted in the belief that local people in their own country, among their own people, are best suited to carry out translation and literacy work in their communities.
OneBook is privileged to partner with experienced national organizations who are committed to coming alongside minority language communities to provide holistic care and access to mother-tongue Scripture. These national organizations provide locally led teams with technical assistance as they facilitate projects. This includes advocating in government circles for the people group, and both training and supporting local leaders to mobilize their community to develop a written form of their language and teach mother-tongue literacy classes. Our partners further train mother-tongue speakers to translate the Bible and make it available in different formats. These projects lay the foundation for lasting faith, social justice, improved health, and a hope for growth.
OneBook’s national partner organizations and local teams can go where expatriates are not welcomed. They can cross cultural and linguistic barriers with less effort. They can overcome obstacles and solve complicated situations with the wisdom that comes from their experience within a cultural context. OneBook projects are carried out in collaboration with these local experts, bound together by our common faith in God, who sent His son to be among us, speak our language, and strengthen our faith in Him.
You can help bring lasting spiritual, educational, and social transformation to minority language communities in Africa and Asia. When you invest in a OneBook project, you will provide for the needs of dedicated local project teams as they serve their communities through Bible translation literacy, and community development initiatives.
Thank you for being a part of transforming these communities forever.