Tallinn, Estonia

Hello Elim Church,
Greetings from Estonia! My family and I would like to personally thank you for being a part of missions in Europe. It was wonderful to be back in Saskatoon last November for pastor Marvin's special month of memories and to witness that the restoration is complete on Slimmon Road! I enjoyed the opportunity to reflect on Elim's role in my life and the inspiration I received for ministry through Pastor Marvin and the other pastors and staff. Since returning to Estonia, we have prayed for you through the transition of leadership, and we are believing with you for great things in this new season of leadership and ministry. As Saskatoon and Saskatchewan continue to grow we pray that Jesus would continue to use you for His glory. 

Deacon School!
Recently we held our retreat for our Deacon school students. Deacon School is a part-time school for lay leaders and those interested in pastoral ministry. The retreat was a great time for connecting, teaching and worshipping. We look forward to seeing how God will use these people in the future.

Bible School!
As the director of the Bible school, it is my job to represent the Bible school at different church functions. At our annual conference for the Pentecostal church, I was honored to share how God is using the Bible school for ministry and preparing the next generation of pastors and leaders. We are very proud of one alumni who has recently planted a church in a community just outside of the capital of Tallinn. As a Bible school, we look forward to partnering with this new work at ths new church.
Rodney and Kaja Corcoran