Our culture widely defines freedom in terms of “doing what I want without restraint” and so many of our culture wars revolve around clashing freedoms. This weekend Pastor Marvin introduces our new series on the fruits of the Spirit by taking a look at Paul’s call for Christians to find inner freedom in Galatians 5.

Reflection Questions  

  1. What changes within yourself have given you freedom? Perhaps forgiving someone, or becoming more compassionate?

  2. How do you experience the pull of “the flesh” most in you? What about the Spirit’s work?

  3. What do you make of the idea that the Spirit produces fruit in our lives when, like a tree, we are alive and healthy on the inside?


The joy that is produced by the Holy Spirit shows up in unusual and unexpected places. This week as Pastor Marvin takes us through several bible passages that reference joy, we’ll see that joy is closely associated with difficult circumstances. Join us as we see what joy is, what the opposite of joy is, and how to cultivate joy in our lives.

Reflection Questions

  1. In the Bible, joy often appears in difficult circumstances. Have you ever experienced a surprising joy despite life around you?

  2. Are you stuck in the opposite of joy, hopelessness? What if you think of hope not as a wish but the certainty that God will overcome even death, because he already has in Jesus?

  3. What can you do today to position yourself for the joy of the Spirit? Will you stay close to Jesus, walk in obedience, feed on Scripture, and worship?


Peace; we all want it, so why is there so little of it? This week Pastor Marvin continues our series on the Fruit of the Spirit. Join us as we look at what peace is and is not, and how the Holy Spirit produces it in us.

Reflection Questions  

  1. Where does your mind go when you think of peace?

  2. Have you ever experienced God’s peace “which transcends all understanding” in a hard situation? Were you confident and at rest in your Father’s care for you?

  3. How would a renewed practice of prayer, gratitude, and focus on God’s good gifts in life prepare the soil of your heart for peace to grow?


Reflection Questions  

  1. Where does your mind go when you think of peace?

  2. Have you ever experienced God’s peace “which transcends all understanding” in a hard situation? Were you confident and at rest in your Father’s care for you?

  3. How would a renewed practice of prayer, gratitude, and focus on God’s good gifts in life prepare the soil of your heart for peace to grow?


If you’ve ever been a participant or a benefactor of “Random Acts of Kindness Day” you’ve had a glimpse of the power of kindness. This weekend we look at kindness as one of the nine aspects of the Fruit of the Spirit. Join us as we look at what kindness is, what it looks like (it’s not random), and how the Spirit produces it in us.

Reflection Questions

  1. How has God been kind to you?

  2. Does reflecting on the kindness of Jesus to those on society’s margins move you to be kind to others you wouldn’t naturally care for?

  3. When are you next tempted to be harsh, how can you pay attention to the Spirit growing kindness in you?


Biblical goodness is both about character (being good) and the actions of goodness that flow from a heart of goodness. This week Pastor Marvin speaks on goodness as the fruit of the Spirit and how it's grown and cultivated in our lives. Join us as we look at Jesus’ words about the power and effect of goodness and also how we are uniquely created to do good works.⁠ Reflection Questions 1. When you think of a good person, who or what comes to mind? 2. What if every morning you woke up and asked Jesus what good works he had for you to do today? 3. How might God want to show his heart to others through the goodness the Holy Spirit is growing in you?

Reflection Questions

  1. When you think of a good person, who or what comes to mind?

  2. What if every morning you woke up and asked Jesus what good works he had for you to do today?

  3. How might God want to show his heart to others through the goodness the Holy Spirit is growing in you?


Reflection Questions:

  1. When has it been challenging for you to stay honest, dependable, or loyal?

  2. When in his life did Jesus stay faithful to the Father when he could have wavered? When has God been faithful to you?

  3. What are the “few things” God has entrusted you with? How can you yield to the Spirit making you faithful in those?


Reflection Questions

  1. Do you associate gentleness with weak people or with those who are strong but under control?

  2. What do you make of the image of almighty God holding us like lambs in his gentle arms? or Paul as a nursing mother with her children?

  3. How will you respond to Jesus’ invitation: “learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”?


Self control is the final aspect of the fruit of the Spirit. It’s what binds the other eight together. This weekend we’ll see that self control is not about gritting your teeth and “white knuckling” it. It’s about inviting the Spirit to control the self (that part of us that gravitates to destructive behaviours.) Join us as we see how to cultivate the Spirit’s control and the profound benefit of self control.

Reflection Questions  

  1. Can you think of a time sin enticed you with a false promise of something good and desirable?

  2. How can you yield control of your self to the Spirit before temptation comes? or when temptation comes?

  3. Is there anything you’re doing that is okay, but that the Spirit may be asking you to give up to pursue God’s greater plan?